Childhood memories - cartoon

>> Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Well, since i m quite free this week... this is what i find out :

A) Silverhawks
Silverhawks - 01 - The Origin Story 1/3

B) Thundercats
Thundercats - 01 - The beginning part 1/10

B) He-Man & She-Ra
He-man and She-Ra - 01 - The secret of the sword part 1/10

Some childhood memory to share. Maybe it will draw u back to 80's... ;p



I do not understand

O God, i do not understand why You let this happen to me, but You remind me with this verse :

"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised." JOb 1:21

So that i may learn how to praise You in what ever circumstances in the future.
Eventhough i still feel the pain within my bone, yes, there is a lesson for me to learn.

From the day i broke my leg till now, i am still at the positive side of it. I know You have mercy on me. Teach me so that i can understand and may Your will be done.




Mr.Sai lost his horse, who knows it's not a bless

>> Sunday, August 9, 2009

这 句 英 文 的 中 文 翻 译 为: 塞 翁 失 马, 焉 知 非 福。

随 便 的 一 跌, 就 成 了 跛 脚。。。 奇 妙, 奇 妙! 也 许 是 神 要 给 我 多 休 息, 让 我 在 辞 职 前 有 更 多 的 时 间 好 好 地 修 养, 多 读 点 书 吧。

Knee cap / patella fractured :

如 无 意 外,我 身 上 现 有 的 两 支 螺 丝 将 会 伴 我 到 老( 死 〕。

阿 妈, 你 别 担 心, 说 不 定 神 有 功 课 要 我 学。 只 是 希 望 以 后 刮 风 下 雨 时 风 湿 不 会 发 作。



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